“tsuyo maru” vs. “tsuyo meru”:Have You Been Correctly Using These?
What is the difference between “強まる(tsuyo maru) and 強める(tsuyo meru)”? Which do you use when the subjects are things? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!
強まる (tsuyo maru)
Get stronger/Grow stronger / 逐渐变强 / 강화되다 / trở nên mạnh mẽ
“強まる(tsuyo maru)” means “Get stronger” and which has been used as the meaning of “something gets stronger”. The basic way to use it is “___が強まる(___ gets stronger)”. For instance, “責任感が強まる。(A sense of responsibility gets stronger.)”, “風が強まる。(The wind gets stronger.)”, etc.
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この傾向はさらに強まるんだって。 (I’ve heard that this trend will get stronger.) (听说这种趋势还会将进一步加强。) (이 경향은 더욱 강해질 거래.) (Nghe nói xu hướng này sẽ mạnh lên.)

責任感が強まってきたよ。 (My sense of responsibility is getting stronger.) (责任心变得更强了。) (책임감이 강해졌어.) (Tinh thần trách nhiệm đã cao lên rồi.)

危機感が強まったよね。 (Our sense of danger got stronger, right?) (危机感增加了。) (위기감이 커졌어.) (Cảm giác nguy hiểm đã mạnh lên nhỉ.)

風が強まってきたね。そろそろ帰ろうよ。 (The wind is getting stronger. It’s time to go home.) (风越来越大。我们差不多要回家了吧。) (바람이 강해졌어. 슬슬 돌아가자.) (Gió đang mạnh lên nhỉ.. Về nhà sớm thôi.)
強める (tsuyo meru)
Make it stronger / 增强 / 강화하다 / đẩy mạnh
“強める(tsuyo meru)” means “Make it stronger” and which has been used as the meaning of “someone makes something stronger”. The basic way to use it is “私は___を強める(I make something stronger)”. For instance, “私はこのイメージ強める。(I make this image stronger.)”, “私は存在感を強める。(I make my presence stronger.) “, etc. The big difference between “強まる” and “強める” is their subjects that “強まる”: the subjects are except people and “強める”: the subjects are people.

もっとこのイメージ強めないとなー。 (I gotta make this image much stronger…) (必须要进一步加强这种印象呢——) (좀 더 이 이미지를 강하게 해야지.) (Tớ phải nâng cao hình tượng hơn nữa.)

レイとの関係を強めたいな。 (I wanna make the relationship with Rei stronger.) (我想与玲衣的关系更进一步。) (레이와 더 친해지고 싶어!) (Tớ muốn thân thiết với Rei hơn nữa.)

第一印象をもっと強めたいな。草 (I wanna make my first impression much stronger. hehe) (想加深别人对我的第一印象呢。笑) (첫인상을 조금 더 강렬하게 만들고 싶어. 하하.) (Tớ muốn tạo ấn tượng đầu tiên tốt hơn nữa (cười))

存在感強め過ぎっ!笑 (You make your presence too strong. haha) (存在感强过头了!哈哈) (존재감 너무 강한 것 아냐? 하하) (Cảm giác tồn tại này quá mạnh mẽ! (cười))
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