Nod:”unazuku” Japanese Phrase #369


Nod:”unazuku” Japanese Phrase #369

Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does “うなずく。(unazuku)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!


Nod / 点头 / 끄덕이다 / gật đầu/ gật đầu đồng ý

When you want to describe that “to move your head down and then up, sometimes several times, especially to show agreement, approval, or greeting, or to show something by doing this”, you would be able to use “うなずく。(unazuku)” which means “I used to live in ___.”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as casual and “うなずきます。(unazuki masu)” is used polite and formal.

Sample 1


レイっていつもうなずきながらひとはなしくよね? (Rei always listens to people while nodding, doesn’t he?) (雷都是一边点头一边听别人说话,对吧?) (레이는 늘 고개를 끄덕이면서 이야기를 듣지 않아?) (Ray lúc nào cũng vừa gật đầu vừa nghe người khác nói chuyện nhỉ?)


そうだね。 (Yeah.) (对啊。) (그러게.) (Đúng vậy nhỉ.)

Sample 2


なんでさっき、うなずかなかったんですか? (Why didn’t you nod a while ago?) (你刚刚为什么没点头?) (왜 아까 고개를 끄덕이지 않았습니까?) (Tại sao lúc nãy bạn đã không gật đầu?)


ちがうとおもったからです。 (Because I thought it was wrong.) 因为我觉得那是错的。) (아니라고 생각했기 때문입니다.) (Vì tôi nghĩ khác.)

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