What Do “uzai, kimoi, ukeru, dasai and hazui” Mean?


What Do “uzai, kimoi, ukeru, dasai and hazui” Mean?

I’d say there is a lot of slang which is not only Japanese but in all of the languages have that. This time, let me introduce how younger generations use slang which you could often hear in many situations today!

うざい (うざっ!,うっざー!or うぜぇ!) (uzai)

Annoying / Irritating

“うざい(uzai)” can use used as the meaning of “annoying and irritating”. When you feel annoyed or irritated to someone or something, you would be able to use “うざい”. “うざい” stands for “うざったい”.

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うざい! (Annoying!) (囉唆!) (짜증나!) (Phiền phức thế!) (uzai!)

あのー、さっきから、うざいんですけど!! (Hey, you’ve been annoying for a quite long time.) (我说啊,你从刚才起就很吵欸!) ( 아, 아까부터 짜증나게 구네!!) (Xin lỗi nhưng từ nãy giờ tôi làm phiền anh quá nhưng..) (ano-, sakki kara, uzai n desu kedo!)

キモい(キモっ!or キッモー! キメェ!) (kimoi)

Gross / Ewww / Yuck

“きもい(kimoi)” could be used when you feel gross to someone or something. “きもい” stands for “気持きもわるい”.


ねぇ、キモいおっさんがマキのことちらちらてるよ! (You know what? I think that gross fart is looking at you, Maki!) (欸,有个很噁心的大叔一直在偷看Maki耶!) ( 있잖아, 기분 나쁘게 생긴 아저씨가 마키를 흘끗흘끗 보고 있어!) (Này, lão già biến thái cứ nhìn Maki lấm lét đấy) (ne, kimoi ossan ga maki no koto chirachira miteru yo!)

キモっ! (Gross!) (好噁!) (기분 나빠!) (Tởm thế!) (kimo!)

ウケる (ukeru)

Hilarious / That’s epic

“ウケる(ukeru)” could use used as the meaning of “hilarious or something/someone cracks you up or That’s epic”. “ウケる” doesn’t have any abbreviations. Only ウケる won’t be able to change “ウケっ” like other slang.


ちょうウケるっ! (Hilarious!) (超好笑的!) (완전 웃긴다!) (Quá chuẩn!) (chō ukeru!)

そのはなしウケるね。 (That’s epic, man!) (这好好笑!) (그 얘기 웃기다!) (Câu chuyện đó chuẩn nhỉ.) (sono hanashi ukeru ne.)

ダサい(ダサっ! or ダッサー!/ ダッセー!) (dasai)


“ダサい(dasai)” means “Lame” and could be used to both people and things such as their behavior, fashion, etc. “ダサい” doesn’t also have any abbreviations.


ダッサー! (That’s lame.) (好土哦!) (촌스러워!) (lôi thôi!) (dassā!)

そのシャツちょっとださいよ。 (Your shirts is pretty lame.) (那件衬衫有点土哦!) (그 셔츠 좀 촌스러운데!) (Cái áo sơ mi đó nhìn hơi lôi thôi đấy!) (sono shatsu chotto dasai yo.)

ハズい(ハズっ! or ハッズー!) (hazui)


“ハズい(hazui)” means “Embarrassed” and which is used when you feel so embarrassed because of someone/something. And “ハズい” stands for “ずかしい”.


ハズっ! (I’m embarrassed. / It’s embarrassing.) (好丢人!) (창피해!) (ngại thế) (hazu!)

めっちゃハズかったよ! (I was so embarrassed. / It’s so embarrassing.) (那真的很丢脸啊!) (완전 창피했어!) (cực kỳ ngại luôn ấy.) (metcha hazukatta yo!)

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