Where do you live, again?:”doko ni sunderun dakke?” Japanese Phrase #517


Where do you live, again?:”doko ni sunderun dakke?” Japanese Phrase #517

Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does “どこにんでるんだっけ?(doko ni sunderun dakke?)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!

どこにんでるんだっけ?(doko ni sunderun dakke?)

Where do you live, again? / 你住在哪來着? / 어디에 살고 있더라? / Bạn đang sống ở đâu vậy nhỉ?

When you want to say “Where do you live, again?”, you would be able to use “どこにんでるんだっけ?(doko ni sunderun dakke?)”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as casual and “どこにんでるんでしたっけ?(doko ni sunderun deshitakke?)” is used as polite and formal.

Sample 1

どこにんでるんだっけ? (Where do you live, again?) (你住在哪來着?) (어디에 살고 있더라?) (Bạn đang sống ở đâu vậy nhỉ?)

東京とうきょうだよ。わすれないでね。 (I live in Tokyo. Don’t forget it.) (住在东京。别忘了。) (도쿄야. 잊지 마.) (Ở Tokyo. Đừng có quên nhé.)

了解りょうかいー! (Gotcha!) (我明白了!) (알았어!) (Tuân lệnh!)

Sample 2

どこにんでるんでしたっけ? (Where do you live, again?) (你住在哪來着?) (어디에 살고 계신다고 하셨죠?) (Bạn đang sống ở đâu vậy nhỉ?)

ニューヨークですよ。 (I live in New York.) (住在纽约。) (뉴욕이에요.) (Ở New York.)

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