うっとうしい vs. うざい: Which Sounds Much Stronger?
What is the difference between “うっとうしい(uttōshī)“ and “うざい(uzai). Which sounds much stronger? After reading this, you would be able to answer. The way to use “うっとうしい” and “うざい” might have been making you confused, however, it would be clear. Let me introduce how different they are today!
うっとうしい (uttōshī)
Annoying / Irritating
“うっとうしい(uttōshī)” means “Annoying / Irritating” and which is used as the meaning of “making you feel annoyed”. It is used in a bunch of situations such as outside is noisy, the weather is super hot, people can’t sleep well, etc. When native speakers say “うっとうしい”, probably you could hear “うっとおしい”, however, it is correct. In this case, う might sound “お”. Furthermore, “うっとうしい” is a similar meaning to “ムカつく”. However, “ムカつく” sounds a little bit older.
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さっきから、鞄が何回も当たってうっとうしいんですけど! (It’s annoying your bag has been hitting me so many times since a short while ago.) (从刚才起你的包包就一直撞到我,很烦欸!) ( 아까부터 가방이 계속 닿아서 짜증나!) (Không không, hai ngày trước không thể đương nhiên là ngày hôm kia được.) (sakki kara, kaban ga nankai mo atatte uttōshī ndesu kedo!)

うっとうしいからみんなの前でおならするのやめてよ! (Don’t fart in front of us and that’s really annoying!) (会很烦人的所以不要在大家面前放屁哦!) (짜증나니까 다들 있는 데서 방귀 뀌지 마!) (Đừng đánh rắm trước mặt người khác vì nó làm người ta rất phiền đấy!) (uttōshī kara min’na no mae de onara suru no yamete yo!)

弟にうっとうしいと言われました。 (I was said by my younger brother that I annoyed him.) (被弟弟说很烦人。) ( 남동생에게 짜증난다는 소릴 들었습니다.) (Tôi bị em trai kêu là phiền phức.) (otōto ni uttōshī to iware mashita.)
うざい (uzai)
Annoying / Irritating
“うざい(uzai)” also means “Annoying / Irritating”, however, what the difference between “うっとうしい” and “うざい” are that “うざい” goes around, especially among a younger generation than “うっとうしい”. Furthermore, “うざい” stands for “うざったい” which originally people from the Kanto region use “うざったい” instead of “うっとうしい”. Additionally, although うざっ and “うぜー” also are used nowadays, basically they are used by the younger generation. If you are an adult and get annoyed or irritated, you might want to use “うっとうしい”, however, it is not a good meaning though.

あのキモオタマジうざい! (That pedophile’s bugging me!) (那个恶心的宅男真的很烦!) (저 기분 나쁜 오타쿠 진짜 짜증나!) (Kimoota đằng kia siêu phiền phức!) (ano kimoota maji uzai!)

あのぶりっ子野郎マジうざくない? (That pedophile’s bugging me!) (那傢伙在那边装可爱不烦吗——) (쟤 귀여운 척 하는 거 진짜 짜증나지 않냐) (Gã to lớn kia thực sự quá khủng khiếp!) (ano buri-kko yarou maji u aku nai?)

あー、マジうざい! (Ahh, that’s totally annoying, man!) (啊——真是烦死了!) (아, 왕 짜증나!) (Ôi, thật phiền quá!) (a-, maji uzai!)
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