止める”yameru” vs 辞める”yameru”:A Quick Guide to Figure Them Out


める vs. める: A Quick Guide to Figure Them Out

What is the difference between “める(yameru) and める(yameru)”? Which is used as the meaning of “quite”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

める (yameru)

Stop / 停止 / 그만두다 / Dừng/bỏ

める” means “Stop” and which has been used as the meaning of “to finish doing something that you do regularly or as a habit or to pause for a short time while traveling or during an activity”. The basic way to use it is “わたしは___をめる。(I stop ___.)”, etc. For instance, “わたしはタバコをめる。(I stop smoking.)”, “わたしはフェイスブックをめる。(I stop using Facebook.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “める” is used as the meaning of “someone stops something, but he/she MAY RESTART.”, unlike “める”. Everybody could use “める” in daily conversations as casual and in business situations as formal such as “フェイスブックをめたよ。(I stopped using Facebook.)” as casual and “フェイスブックをめました。(I stopped using Facebook.)” as formal and which is also used as polite.

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なんでフェイスブックめたの? (Why did you stop using Facebook?) (你为什么要停止脸书?) (왜 페이스북 그만둔거야?) (Tại sao bạn bỏ Facebook vậy?) (nande feisubukku yameta no?)


タバコをめるのってむずかしいのかなー? (I wonder if it’s hard to stop smoking.) (戒烟很难吗?) (담배를 끊는다는 건 어려운 걸까?) (Bỏ hút thuốc lá có khó không nhỉ?) (tabako wo yameru notte muzukashī no kana-?)


やるがないんだったら、めなよ。 (If you don’t have motivation for that, just stop that.) (没有干劲的话那就不要干了。) (의욕이 없는 거라면, 그만둬.) (Nếu không có động lực, hãy dừng lại đi.) (yaruki ga nain dattara, yamena yo.)


今月末こんげつまつにジムにくのをめます (I’ll stop going to the gym at the end of this month.) (我这个月底就不去健身房了。) (이달 말에 헬스 클럽에 가는 걸 그만둘 겁니다.) (Tôi sẽ ngừng đi đến phòng tập thể dục vào cuối tháng này.) (kongetsu matsu ni jimu ni iku no wo yame masu.)

める (yameru)

Quit / 辞退 / 포기하다 / Từ bỏ

める” means “quit” and which has been used as the meaning of “to leave a job or school permanently”. The basic way to use it is “わたしは___をめる。(I quit ___.)”, etc. For instance, “わたし学校がっこうめる。(I quit the school.)”, “わたし会社かいしゃめる。(I quit my job.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “める” is used as the meaning of “quit school, club, job, etc and WON’T RESTART”, unlike “める”. Everybody could use “める” in daily conversations as casual and in business situations as formal such as “会社かいしゃめたよ。(I quit my job.)” as casual and “会社かいしゃめました。(I quit my job.)” as formal and which is also used as polite.



ねえちゃんは仕事しごとめて専業主婦せんぎょうしゅふになったんだー。 (My sister quit her job to be a full-time mom.) (我姐姐辞掉了工作,成了一名全职家庭主妇。) (언니는 일을 포기하고 전업 주부가 되었어.) (Chị gái tôi đã thôi việc và trở thành bà nội trợ toàn thời gian.) (onēchan wa shigoto wo yamete, sengyō shufu ni natta nda-.)


おとうと3カ月さんかげつ学校がっこうめたんだ。 (My brother quit that school after three months.) (我弟弟3个月就不去上学了。) (동생이 3개월 만에 학교를 포기했어.) (Em trai tôi đã bỏ học được 3 tháng.) (otōto ga san kagetsu de gakkō yameta n da.)


1年前いちねんまえにテニスめちゃった (I quit playing tennis 1 year ago.) (我一年前就不打网球了。) (1년 전에 테니스를 포기해버렸어.) (Tôi đã bỏ chơi quần vợt từ một năm trước rồi.) (ichi nen mae ni tenisu yame chatta.)


にいちゃんが先月せんげつ仕事しごとめたらしい。 (It seems like my brother quit his job last month.) (我哥哥好像上个月就离职了。) (형이 지난 달 일을 포기했데.) (Có vẻ như anh tôi đã bỏ việc vào tháng trước.) (nīchan ga sengetsu, shigoto wo yameta rashī.)

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