Did you lose weight?:”yaseta?” Japanese Phrase #527


Did you lose weight?:”yaseta?” Japanese Phrase #527

Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does “やせた?(yaseta?)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!


Did you lose weight? / 瘦了? / 살빠졌어? / Giảm cân hả?, Gầy đi hả?

When you want to say “Did you lose weight?”, you would be able to use “やせた?(yaseta?)”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as casual and “やせましたか?(yasemashita ka?)” is used as polite and formal.

Sample 1

あれ?やせた? (Oh!? Did you lose weight?) (诶?你瘦了?) (어? 살 빠졌어?) (Ế? Giảm cân hả?)

うん、キロやせたんだー。 (I lost 2 kilograms.) (是啊,瘦了2公斤。) (응, 2키로 살 빠졌어.) (Ừ, tôi đã giảm hai ký.)

Sample 2

やせましたか? (Did you lose weight?) (你瘦了吗?) (살 빠졌어요?) (Bạn gầy đi hả?)

え、やせてないですよ。わら (Oh, I didn’t lose weight. haha) (呃,没瘦啊。笑) (네? 안 빠졌어요.ㅎㅎ) (Không, tôi có giảm cân đâu. Haha.)

なんとなく、今日きょうあはちょっとやせてえますよ。くさ (Somehow you look like you lost weight today. hehe) (不知怎么,你今天看起比较瘦一点哦。笑) (뭔가 오늘은 좀 야위어 보여요.ㅎㅎ) (Dù sao thì hôm nay trông bạn hơi gầy đi đấy. Hihi.)

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