47 Tips For Choosing Your Sports Club: “bukatsu” or “sa-kuru”?
Did you join a club when you were still in junior high or high school? It’s a great way to meet people with similar interests, do an activity you enjoy, and learn more about an activity you’re interested in. Today, let me introduce 47 clubs and what difference between “部活(bukatsu)” or “クラブ(kurabu)” and “サークル(sa-kuru)” are today.
部活 (bukatsu)/ クラブ (kurabu)
Team / Club / Extracurriculars
“部活(bukatsu)” and “クラブ(kurabu)” are the absolutely same meaning, so you can use both when you feel easy to use. Actually, join or belong to team or club means 所属する however, basically using 所属する is a little bit stiff for native speakers, so I recommend you that you could use 部活/クラブに入る or 部活/クラブをする would be much natural for us, native speakers instead of 部活/クラブに所属する.

たつやってさぁ、中学時代は何の部活してたの? (Hey, Tatsuya. What club did you join to junior high school?) (Tatsuya你上中学时参加过什么样的社团活动。) (타츠야는 중학생 때 부활동은 뭘 했었어?) (Tatsuya hồi cấp hai đã tham gia hoạt động câu lạc bộ nào vậy?) (Tatsu yatte sa, chūgaku jidai wa nan no bukatsu shiteta no?)

3年間、野球部だったよ! (I joined the baseball team for 3 years.) (三年的棒球俱乐部!) (3년 동안 야구부였어!) (Tớ đã ở câu lạc bộ bóng chày ba năm đó! ) (san nen kan, yakyū bu datta yo!)

ゆかちゃん、高校時代って何のクラブに入ってたの? (Hey, Yuka-chan. What club did you belong to junior high school?) (Yuka,你高中时代参加什么样的俱乐部?) (유카,야,고등학생 때는 어떤 클럽에 들어가 있었어?) (Yuka hồi cấp ba tham gia câu lạc bộ nào vậy?) (Yuka chan, kōkō jidai tte nan no kurabu ni haitteta no?)

高校のバレーボール部に入ってたよ! (Actually, I was a member of my junior high school’s volleyball team.) (我在高中是加入排球俱乐部的!) (고등학교 배구부에 들어가 있었어!) (Tớ ở trong đội bóng chuyền của trường đó!) (kōkō no barēbōru bu ni haitteta yo!)
サークル (sa-kuru)
Meetup / Group
“サークル(sa-kuru)” is one of the Japanese-English words that means meetup or group. Compared to 部活 and クラブ (team and club) at the junior high or high school, サークル (meetup or group) has a lot of flexibility, such as the activity of サークル is once a week or something. It is not five days a week. Furthermore, the majority of サークル doesn’t have an advisor to the サークル, unlike 部活 or クラブ. It is like a group for just the hobby and it is not serious.

大学時代は英語サークルだったよ! (I used to be an English meetup when I was in college.) (在大学时代,我是英语社团!) (대학생 때는 영어 서클이었어!) (Hồi học đại học tớ ở câu lạc bộ tiếng Anh đấy.) (daigaku jidai wa eigo sākuru datta yo!)

写真サークルに入らない? (Why don’t you join photography meetups?) (你为什么不加入摄影社团?) (사진 동아리에 들어오지 않을래?) (Cậu có muốn tham gia câu lạc bộ nhiếp ảnh không?) (shashin sākuru ni hairanai?)
運動部 (undō bu)
Sports club
- ホッケー部 / hockey team
- 野球部 / baseball team
- 水泳部 / swim team
- スキー部 / ski team
- スケート部 / skating team
- チアリーダー部 / cheerleading team
- ラグビー部 / rugby team
- ハンドボール部 / handball team
- ゴルフ部 / golf team
- テニス部 / tennis team
- 卓球部 / table tennis team
- バドミントン部 / badminton team
- ソフトボール部 / softball team
- サッカー部 / soccer team
- バレーボール部 / volleyball team
- バスケットボール部 / basketball team
- 陸上部 / track and field team
- 剣道部 / kendo team
- 空手部 / karate team
- 柔道部 / judo team
- 弓道部 / Japanese archery team
- 相撲部 / sumo team
- 体操部 / gymnastics team
- ダンス部 / dance team
- 山岳部 / mountain climbing club
- ボクシング部 / boxing team
- 乗馬部 / horseback riding team
文化部 (bunka bu)
Culture club
- アニメ部 / anime club
- 美術部 / art club
- 放送部 / school radio club
- パソコン/コンピューター部 / computer club
- 漫画研究部 / manga club
- 映画研究会 / Cinema Club
- 吹奏楽部 / school band
- 華道部 / Japanese flower arrangement club
- 茶道部 / Japanese tea ceremony club
- 演劇部 / drama club, acting club or theater club
- 英語部 / English Club
- 写真部 / photography club
- 手芸部 / craft club
- 調理部 / cooking club
- 化学部 / chemistry club
- 生物部 / biology club
- 天文部 / astronomy club
- 合唱部 / choir
- 将棋部 / shogi club which is Japanese chess
- 落語研究会 / rakugo club
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