“暑い(atsui)” vs. “熱い(atsui)”:What You Have to Know About These Usage


暑い(atsui)” vs. “熱い(atsui)“:What You Have to Know About These Usage

What is the difference between “あつい(atsui) and あつい(atsui)”? Which is used for Air temperature? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

あつい(atsui) and あつい(atsui)

Hot / 热, 烫 / 덥다, 뜨겁다 / Nóng (thời tiết), Nóng (vật)

あつい(atsui) and あつい(atsui)” means “Hot” and which has been used as the meaning of “having a high temperature”. The tips for using them that “あつい” is used for “AIR temperature” and “あつい” is used for “temperature for THINGS such as cups, steels, fire etc or LIQUID such as water, soup, etc. The basic ways to use them are that “___は/があつい/あつい。(___ is hot.)”, etc. For instance, “そとは/があつい。(It’s hot outside.) and “コップは/があつい。(The cup is hot.)”, etc. Everyone could use “あつい and あつい” as casual, polite and formal such as “そとは/があついよ。(It’s hot outside.) and “コップは/があついよ。(The cup is hot.)” as casual and “そとは/があついです。(It’s hot outside.) and “コップは/があついです。(The cup is hot.)” are used as polite and formal.

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あつ (Are you hot?) (热吗?) (더워?) (Có nóng không?) (atsui?)

エアコンつけてるのにあつです。 (The air-conditioner is on, but it’s hot in here.) (明明开了空调,还是很热。) (에어컨 켰는데도 더워요.) (Đang bật điều hòa rồi vậy mà vẫn nóng.) (eakon tsuketeru noni atsui desu.)

あつでしょ? (It’s hot, isn’t it?) (很热对吧?)b (덥지?) (Nóng đúng không?) (atsui desho?)

こっちはまだあつよ! (It’s still hot over here.) (这里还是很热!) (여기는 아직 더워!) (Vùng này vẫn còn nóng đấy!) (kotchi wa mada atsui yo!)

あつ (Ouch!) (好烫!) (앗, 뜨거!) (Nóng quá!) (atsu!)

あつのでおけください。 (Be careful, it’s very hot.) (小心烫。) (뜨거우니까 조심하세요.) (Xin hãy cẩn thận vì nó rất nóng.) (atsui node oki wo tsuke kudasai.)

あつちゃはありますか? (Do you have hot green tea?) (你有热茶吗?) (뜨거운 녹차는 있습니까?) (Bạn có trà nóng không?) (atsui ocha wa arimasu ka?)

このスープ、ちょっとあつよ。 (This soup is pretty hot.) (这汤有点烫。) (이 수프 좀 뜨거워.) (Món súp này hơi nóng đấy.) (kono sūpu, chotto atsui yo.)

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