It’s getting hot, isn’t it?:”atsuku nattekita ne” Japanese Phrase #376


It’s getting hot, isn’t it?:”atsuku nattekita ne” Japanese Phrase #376

Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does “あつくなってきたね。(atsuku nattekita ne)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!

あつくなってきたね。(atsuku nattekita ne)

It’s getting hot, isn’t it? / 越来越热。 / 더워지기 시작했네. / Thời tiết đã trở nên nóng hơn rồi nhỉ.

When you want to describe “having a high temperature”, you would be able to use “あつくなってきたね。(atsuku nattekita ne)” which means “It’s getting hot, isn’t it?”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as casual and “あつくなってきましたね。(atsuku natteki mashita ne)” is used as polite and formal.

Sample 1


あつくなってきたね。 (It’s getting hot, isn’t it?) (天气越来越热了。) (더워지기 시작했네) (Thời tiết đã trở nên nóng hơn rồi nhỉ.)


うん、クーラーいるよね。 (Yeah, we need the AC, don’t we?) (嗯,需要开冷气了呢。) (응, 에어컨이 필요하네) (Ừ, cần máy điều hòa nhỉ.)

Sample 2


あつくなってきましたね。 (It’s getting hot, isn’t it?) (天气越来越热了。) (더워지기 시작했네요.) (Thời tiết đã trở nên nóng hơn rồi nhỉ.)


そうですね。今日きょう38度さんじゅうはちどくらいまで気温きおんがるらしいですよ! (Right. I heard it’s going to be around 38 degrees Celsius today!) (没错。今天好像最高气温38度左右!) (그러네요. 오늘은 38도정도까지 기온이 올라간다고 해요!) (Đúng vậy . Nghe nói là nhiệt độ hôm nay lên đến khoảng 38 độ đấy.)


えぇ!? (Oh really?) (诶!?) (네!?) (Hả?)

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