違い vs. 違う: You’d Be Saying “I Got it!” About it.
Can you tell what the difference between “違い(chigai)” and “違う(chigau)”? This article would make you clear. Let me introduce how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!
違い (chigai)
Difference / 区别 / 차이 / Sự khác biệt
“違い” means “Difference” and which has been used as the meaning of “a point or a way in which two or more things which you are comparing are not the same” that is a NOUN e.g. “AとBの違い(the difference between A and B)”.
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違いがあるね! (It has differences!) (有不一样啦!) (차이가 있구나!) (Có sự khác nhau nhỉ!)

違いは何ですか? (What’s the difference?) (有什么不同?) (차이점은 무엇입니까?) (Khác chỗ nào vậy?)

好みに違いがあるっぽいね。 (It seems our taste has differences.) (爱好似乎有所不同。) (취향에 차이가 있는 것 같네.) (Hình như khác nhau về khẩu vị nhỉ.)

違いは大きさだよ! (The difference is sizes.) (不同在于尺寸!) (차이는 크기야!) (Khác nhau là ở kích thước đấy!)
違う (chigau)
Different / 不同 / 다르다 / Khác nhau
“違う” means “Different” and which has been used as same as “違い” is, however that is an ADJECTIVE e.g. 違う色(different colors). So, the word “違い” being a noun, it specifies the extent or quality of dissimilarity or contrasts between two things, situations, or entities. Whereas, the word “違う” being adjective, it modifies a noun.

結構違うね! (It is quite different!) (差很多欸!) (상당히 다르구나!) (Khá là khác nhau nhỉ!)

どう違うんですか? (How is it different?) (它有什么不同?) (어떻게 다른가요?) (Khác nhau như thế nào?)

好みが違うっぽいね。 (It seems we have different taste.) (看起来爱好很不一样。) (취향이 다른 것 같네.) (Hình như có khẩu vị khác nhau nhỉ.)

大きさが違うよ! (They are different sizes.) (大小不同!) (크기가 달라!) (Kích thước khác nhau đấy!)
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