ちゅうし vs. ていし vs. はいし: They might’ve Got You Curious


中止ちゅうし vs. 停止ていし vs. 廃止はいし: They might’ve Got You Curious

After figuring out what the difference between “中止ちゅうし“, “停止ていし” and “廃止はいし“, why don’t you use them? This article would improve your Japanese skills. Let me introduce how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

中止ちゅうし (chuushi)

Cancel / 取消 / 중지 / Hoãn lại

中止ちゅうし” means “Cancel” and which has been used as the meaning of “a planned or scheduled event will not happen such as a picnic, a soccer game, a lesson, a trip, etc.” The tips of using “中止ちゅうし” focus on “a planned or scheduled event” and which may be resumed, unlike “廃止はいし“.

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イベントがあめ中止ちゅうしになったよ。 (The event was called off because of rain.) (活动因为下雨而取消了。) (이벤트가 비 때문에 중지되었어.) (Sự kiện đã bị hoãn do trời mưa.)


つぎのアイフォンの開発かいはつ中止ちゅうしされたらしいよ。 (I’ve heard the development of the next iPhone was canceled.) (下一代iPhone的开发似乎被取消了。) (다음 아이폰 개발이 중단된 것 같아.) (Hình như việc phát triển iPhone bản tiếp theo đã bị hoãn lại.)


今日きょうのレッスン中止ちゅうしになったの? (Has today’s lesson been canceled?) (今天停课了吗?) (오늘 수업 중지됐어?) (Buổi học hôm nay bị huỷ rồi hả?)

停止ていし (teishi)

Stop/Pause / 停止 / 정지 / Dừng lại

停止ていし” means “Stop or Pause” and which has been used as the meaning of “a temporary stop and a short period in which something such as a sound, an activity, a moving car, etc are stopped before starting again”. The tips of using “停止ていし” focus on “something moving” and which may be resumed, unlike “廃止はいし“.



運転中うんてんちゅうにいきなりまえくるま停止ていししたんだ! (The car in front of me was suddenly stopped!) (开车的时候前面的车突然停车了!) (운전 중에 갑자기 앞 차가 멈췄어!) (Khi tớ đang chạy thì hiếc xe phía trước đột nhiên dừng lại.)


アイフォンの生産せいさん停止ていしされたらしいよ。 (I’ve heard the production of the iPhone was stopped.) (iPhone好像停止生产了。) (아이폰 생산이 중단된 것 같아.) (Hình như việc sản xuất iPhone đã bị dừng lại.)


東京線とうきょうせん一時的いちじてき運行うんこう停止ていししたっぽいね。 (It seems the operation of Tokyo line is temporarily stopped.) (东京线好像暂时停驶了。) (도쿄선이 일시적으로 운행을 중지했다는 것 같아.) (Hình như tuyến Tokyo tạm thời ngừng chạy nhỉ.)

廃止はいし (haishi)

Abolish / 废除 / 폐지 / Bãi bỏ/ Hủy bỏ

廃止はいし” means “Stop or Pause” and which has been used as the meaning of “formally put an end to a system, an activity, etc”. The tips of using “廃止はいし” focus on “a system and an activity” and which WON’T BE RESUMED, unlike “中止ちゅうし” and “停止ていし“.



この法律ほうりつ廃止はいしされたね。 (This law was abolished.) (这项法律被废除了呢。) (이 법률은 폐지되었지.) (Luật này đã bị bãi bỏ.)


アイフォン4の生産せいさん廃止はいしされたらしいよ。 (I’ve heard the production of the iPhone4 was abolished.) (iPhone 4的生产似乎被停产了。) (아이폰4의 생산이 중단된 것 같아.) (Hình như việc sản xuất iPhone 4 đã bị huỷ bỏ.)


くるま生産せいさん将来しょうらい廃止はいしされるかもしれないね。 (The production of the cars will be abolished in the future.) (未来可能会废除汽车的生产。) (자동차 생산은 향후 폐지될 지도 모르겠네.) (Việc sản xuất xe hơi có thể bị bãi bỏ trong tương lai nhỉ.)

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