Creative Ways To Speak “suzushī”, “samui” and “tsumetai”
Have you heard about 涼しい(suzushī), 寒い(samui) and 冷たい(tsumetai) from natives speakers not only for being used the weather, but it also used for people or even things? And did you know the way to use 涼しい, 寒い and 冷たい which are used for the weather, people or something? This time, let me introduce how to use them and you’ll be able to use them as native speakers after reading this.
涼しい (suzushii)
Cool (for the weather and people)
Not only 涼しい(suzushii) could be used for the weather, but it is also used for people, such as a cool face(涼しい顔) which means people who pretend not to know about something or not to be involved in something. Using 涼しい for the weather and seasons-wise, basically, it is not used for winter and is used when you feel comfortable.

外は暑いしどこか涼しい場所行かない? (Why don’t we go somewhere cooler?) (外面很热,你不去凉快的地方吗?) ( 밖은 더우니까 어디 시원한 곳에 갈래?) (Bên ngoài nóng nhỉ, đi đâu đó mát mát đi!) (soto wa atsuishi doko ka suzushī basho ikanai?)

今日は涼しいなー。 (It’s cool today.) (今天很凉快啊。) (오늘은 시원하네.) (Hôm nay trời mát nhỉ.) (kyō wa suzushī na-.)

最近涼しくなってきたね。 (It’s been getting cooler recently.) (最近变凉爽了。) (요즘 시원해지기 시작했지.) (Gần đây trời mát lên rồi nhỉ) (saikin suzushiku natte kita ne.)

涼しい顔してるね。 (You’re like a cool face.) (装逼没事呢!) ( 모르는 척하고 있네.) (nhìn kìa vẻ mặt mát mẻ quá nhỉ) (suzushī kao shiteru ne.)
寒い (samui)
Chilly / Cold (for the weather and people)
Not only 寒い(samui) is used for the weather, but it is also used for people who are joking or telling a quick one-liner and which are the lame jokes, such as 寒い, 寒いねっ, 寒いよ〜, 寒いんだよっ, 寒いねん, さむっ,さぶっ and etc that ironically means “That’s funny.” It is the same way to use 寒い for the weather. When using 寒い for the weather, you feel uncomfortable.

明日は寒いみたいだよ。 (It may be a bit cold tomorrow.) (明天好像会很冷。) (내일 춥대.) (Ngày mai hình như lạnh đó.) (ashita wa samui mitai dayo.)

今日かなり寒くない? (It’s really cold outside today, isn’t it?) (今天很冷啊。) (오늘 꽤 춥지 않아?) (Hôm nay lạnh phết nhỉ.) (kyō kanari samuku nai?)

結構寒がりなんだー。 (I’m a pretty cold-blooded person.) (我超怕冷的呢。) (꽤 추위를 많이 타.) (bạn cũng có vẻ không chịu được lạnh nhỉ.) (kekkō samugari nanda-.)

さぶっ! (That’s funny.(ironic)) (好冷!) ( 춥다!) (Lạnh quá!) (sabu!)
冷たい (tsumetai)
Cold (for people and things)
Not only 冷たい(tsumetai) is used for thins but it is used for something cold and people who are cold personalities. For example, using it for things: 冷たい水(cold water), 冷たい飲み物(cold drinks) and for people: 冷たい人(cold attitude).

きゃっ!水がとっても冷たいよー。 (Yikes! The water is so cold.) (啊!水好冰呐!) (꺄악! 물이 엄청 차가워.) (Oái! Nước lạnh lắm đấy.) (kya! mizu ga tottemo tsumetai yo-.)

あのー、冷たい水しか出ないんですけど・・・ (Excuse me, only cold water is coming out.) (嗯,好像只有冷水出来呢。) (저기, 시원한 물이 안 나오는데요…) (Xin lỗi nhưng ở đây chỉ có nước lạnh mà thôi.) (ano-, tsumetai mizu shika denain desukedo…)

伊藤さんって冷たい人だよね? (Ito-san is a cold attitude, isn’t she?) (伊藤先生是个冷漠的人,不是吗?) (이토 씨는 차가운 사람이지?) (Ông Ito lạnh lùng nhỉ!) (itō san tte tsumetai hito dayone?)

歩きタバコしてる人に冷たい視線を送ってます。 (I’m giving dirty looks to people smoking while walking.) (我对边走路边吸烟的人冷眼相对。) (걸어가며 담배를 피우는 사람에게 차가운 눈길을 주고 있습니다.) (Tôi gửi đến mấy người vừa đi vừa hút thuốc một ánh nhìn lạnh lùng.) (aruki tabako shiteru hito ni tsumetai shisen wo okutte masu.)
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