“damasu” and “gomakasu”:Which Do You Feel Much Worse?


damasu” and “gomakasu“:Which Do You Feel Much Worse?

Apparently “だます(damasu)” and “ごまかす(gomakasu)” are the same meaning, however, the nuance of both is so different. Although the meaning of both is bad, one of them is much worse. Let me introduce which is much worse and how to correctly use them today!

だます (damasu)

Trick/Cheat / 骗人 / 속이다 / Lừa dối

だます(damasu)” means “Trick” which has been used as the super bad meaning that is the lie for tricking people to get their benefits, unlike ごまかす(gomakasu). So, if people trick someone to get money, they would be caught by the police. However, when using this among your friends, that might be just teasing. Basically, “だます” has been used as the heavy meaning, but it has been also used as the light meaning as well in using your family, friends, partner, etc.

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だまされたー。 (I was tricked.) (我被骗了。) (속았어-.) (Tớ bị lừa rồi.) (damasa reta-.)

だまされたことある? (Have you been tricked?) (你有没有被骗过?) (속은 적 있어?) (Cậu đã bị lừa bao giờ chưa?) (damasa reta koto aru?)

だまよりだまされたほうがいいよ。 (It’s better to be tricked than to do the tricking.) (比起去骗人还是被骗比较好。) (속이는 것보다 속는 편이 나아.) (Thay vì đi lừa thì bị lừa vẫn hơn đấy.) (damasu yori damasa reta hō ga ī yo.)

だまそうとしてるよな? (You’re trying to trick me, right?) (你打算骗我吗?) (속이려고 하는 구나?) (Cậu định lừa tớ đúng không?) (damasou to shiteru yo na?)

ごまかす (gomakasu)

someone/Laugh it off / 唬弄 / 얼버무리다 / Lấp liếm

“ごまかす(gomakasu)” means “Play someone” and which is not a lie to get their benefits that have been used for the meaning of people who don’t want to say something clearly especially personal things such as their age, family, job, experience, etc. And “わらってごまかす(waratte gomakasu)” means “Laugh it off”. Although “だます(damasu)” is equal to the lie to get their benefits, unlike “ごまかす” isn’t equal to the lie, both of them have been used as the bad meaning though.


ごまかそうとしてるでしょ?くさ (You’re trying to play me, aren’t you? hehe) (你想蒙混过去是吧?哈哈) (속이려고 했지? 하하.) (Cậu định lấp liếm chứ gì? (cười)) (gomaka sou to shiteru desho? kusa)

わらってごまかしちゃえくさ (Just laugh it off! haha) (笑着混过去!哈哈) (웃으면서 넘겨버려! 하하.) (Cười trừ rồi cho qua đi! (cười)) (waratte gomakashi chae! kusa)

わらってごまかすなー! (Don’t just laugh it off!) (不要笑着蒙混过去!) (웃으면서 얼버무리지마-!) (Đừng có cười để lấp liếm!) (waratte gomakasu na-!)

ごまかしてないよ! (I don’t play you.) (我没有在装傻!) (안 속였어!) (Tớ không có lấp liếm!) (gomakashite nai yo!)

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