“kiga tsuku” vs. “kiwo tsukeu”:You Can Use These From Today


“kiga tsuku” vs. “kiwo tsukeu”:You Can Use These From Today

What is the difference between “く(kiga tsuku) and ける(kiwo tsukeu)”? They have subtle differences. When going out after 11 pm., which do you have to use “く” or “ける?” After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

く (kiga tsuku)

Realize/Notice / 注意到 / 깨닫다 /Nhận ra

く(kiga tsuku)” means “Realize and Notice” and which has been used as the meaning of “Become fully aware of something as a fact”. The basic way to use “く” is that “___にく” such as “スペルミスにく(to notice a typo)”. Someone Japanese omit “が” of “く”, that would be “く”. which sounds Japanese-ish.

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うそついてるって気付きづいてたよ。 (I realized that you were lying.) (我意识到你在说谎。) (거짓말 하는 건 눈치채고 있었어.) (Tớ nhận ra cậu đã nói dối đấy!)

あっ、メールのスペルミスにかなかった。 (Oh, I didn’t notice a typo on my e-mail.) (啊,我没注意到邮件拼写错误。) (앗, 메일 철자 틀린 걸 눈치 채지 못했어.) (A, tớ đã không nhận ra lỗi chính tả trong thư.)

えー、よく気付きづいたね! (Wow, you noticed!) (欸,这你都注意到!) (오~ 잘 눈치챘네! ) (Ồ, cậu tinh ý nhỉ!)

ごめん!電話でんわかなかったよ! (Sorry! I didn’t notice your call.) (对不起!我没注意到电话!) (미안! 전화 온 거 몰랐어! ) (Xin lỗi! Tớ đã không để ý điện thoại!)

ける (kiwo tsukeu)

Be careful / 小心 / 조심하다 / Cẩn thận

ける(kiwo tsukeu)” means “Be careful” and which has been used as the meaning of “giving attention to something in order to avoid esp. an accident or problem”. The basic way to use it is “___にける” and “___しないようにける” such as “事故じこける(be careful an accident)”, “ふとらないようにける”(be careful not to put on weight). Furthermore, when saying just “Be careful!”, that would be “けて!”.


今度こんどからけるね! (I’ll be careful next time!) (下次我会小心的!) (다음부턴 조심할게!) (Từ giờ tớ sẽ cẩn thận!)

よるそとあるくときはけてね。 (Be careful when walking outside at night.) (晚上外出时要小心。) (밤에 걸어갈 땐 조심해.) (Ban đêm ra đường nhớ cẩn thận nhé!)

みずしっぱなしにはけてよ。 (Be careful not to leave the water running.) (得注意不要忘记关水喔。) (물 계속 틀어놓지 않게 조심해.) (Chú ý đừng để nước chảy suốt vậy chứ!)

発言はつげんけるよ。 (I’ll be more careful about what I say.) (我会小心发言的。) (발언에 신경 쓸게.) (Tớ sẽ cẩn thận với lời nói của mình.)

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