I’m glad you like it.:”kiniitte kurete ureshī” Japanese Phrase #276


I’m glad you like it.:”kiniitte kurete ureshī” Japanese Phrase #276

Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does “ってくれてうれしい。(kiniitte kurete ureshī)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!

ってくれてうれしい。(kiniitte kurete ureshī)

I’m glad you like it. / 你喜欢就好,我很开心呢。 / 마음에 들어하니 기쁘다. / Tôi rất vui vì bạn thích nó.

When you are happy because a person like what you gave, you would be able to use “ってくれてうれしい。(kiniitte kurete ureshī)” which means “I’m glad you like it.”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as casual. “ってくれてうれしいです。(kiniitte kurete ureshī desu)” is used as polite and formal.

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Sample 1

誕生日たんじょうびプレゼントにこれあげる。 (I give you this for your birthday.) (tanjōbi purezento ni kore ageru.)

ありがとう。かわいいね。 (Thank you. It’s lovely.) (arigatō. kawaī ne.)

ってくれてうれしいよ。 (I’m glad you like it.) (kiniitte kurete ureshī yo.)

Sample 2

たつやがしがってたかばんあげるね。 (I give you this bag you wanted.) (tatsuya ga hoshi gatteta kaban ageru ne.)

マジで?ありがとう! (For really? Thanks!) (majide? arigatō!)

ってくれてうれしい (I’m glad you like it.) (kiniitte kurete ureshī.)

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