“nesshin” vs. “majime”:Learners Don’t Know Their Difference
What is the difference between “熱心 (nesshin) and 真面目 (majime)”? Which is used as the meaning of “serious”?After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!
熱心 (nesshin)
Eager, Passionate / 热心 / 열심 / Nhiệt tình
“熱心 (nesshin)” means “Eager / Passionate” and which has been used as the meaning of “wanting very much to do or have something, especially something interesting”. The basic ways to use it are that “私は熱心に___をする。(I am eager to ___.)”, etc. For instance, “私は熱心に日本語の勉強をする。(I am eager to study Japanese.)”, “私は熱心に仕事をする。(I am eager to work.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “熱心” is used as the meaning of “A PERSON REALLY WANTS TO DO SOMETHING WITH HIS/HER PASSION.”, unlike “真面目“. Everyone could use “熱心” as casual, polite and formal such as “熱心に日本語の勉強をしてるよ。(I am eager to study Japanese.)” as casual and “熱心に日本語の勉強をしています。(I am eager to study Japanese.)” as polite and formal.
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熱心に日本語の勉強してるね。 (You’re eager to study Japanese, huh?) (真的很专心的努力学习日语呢。) (열심히 일본어 공부를 하고 있구나.) (Cậu đang học tiếng Nhật chăm chỉ nhỉ.) (nesshin ni nihongo no benkyō shiteru ne.)
田中さんは熱心に仕事をしていますね。 (Mr. Tanaka is passionate about his job, isn’t he?) (田中先生正热心于工作。) (다나카 씨는 열심히 일을 하고 있군요.) (Tanaka đang làm việc nhiệt tình nhỉ.) (Tanaka san wa nesshin ni shigoto wo shite imasu ne.)
弟は熱心に野球をしています。 (My brother is eager to play baseball.) (我的弟弟正热心于打棒球。) (동생은 열심히 야구를 하고 있습니다.) (Em trai tôi chơi bóng chày rất nhiệt tình.) (otōto wa nesshin ni yakyū wo shite imasu.)
図書館で熱心に本を読んでたね。 (I saw you eagerly read a book in the library.) (你在图书馆热衷于看书对吧。) (도서관에서 열심히 책을 읽었구나.) (Bạn đã hăng say đọc sách ở thư viện nhỉ.) (toshokan de nesshin ni hon wo yondeta ne.)
真面目 (majime)
Serious, Deligent, Hard working / 认真 / 성실 / Nghiêm túc
“真面目 (majime)” means “Serious, Diligent or Hardworking” and which has been used as the meaning of “careful and using a lot of effort”. The basic ways to use it are that “私は真面目に___をする。(I seriously ___./I am diligent in/about___)” , etc. For instance, “私は真面目に日本語の勉強をする。(I seriously study Japanese./I am diligent about studying Japanese.)”, “私は真面目に仕事をする。(I seriously work./I am working hard.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “真面目” is used as the meaning of “A SOERSON SERIOUSLY DO SOMETHING HOWEVER IT DOESN’T MATTER IF HE/SHE REALLY WANTS TO DO IT OR NOT.”, unlike “真面目“. Everyone could use “真面目” as casual, polite and formal such as “真面目に日本語の勉強をしてるよ。(I seriously study Japanese./I am diligent about studying Japanese.)” as casual and “真面目に日本語の勉強をしています。(I seriously study Japanese./I am diligent about studying Japanese.)” as polite and formal.
真面目に日本語の勉強してるね。 (You diligently study Japanese, huh?) (很认真的努力学习日语呢。) (성실히 일본어 공부를 하고 있구나.) (Bạn đang học tiếng Nhật một cách nghiêm túc nhỉ.) (majime ni nihongo no benkyō shiteru ne.)
田中さんは真面目に仕事をしています。 (Mr. Tanaka is working hard.) (田中先生在认真工作。) (다나카 씨는 성실히 일을 하고 있습니다.) (Tanaka đang làm việc một cách nghiêm túc.) (Tanaka san wa majime ni shigoto wo shite imasu.)
弟は真面目に野球をしています。 (My brother seriously play baseball.) (我的弟弟正在很认真地打棒球。) (남동생은 성실히 야구를 하고 있습니다.) (Em trai tôi chơi bóng chày rất nghiêm túc.) (otōto wa majime ni yakyū wo shite imasu.)
眼鏡かけたらちょっと真面目そうに見えるね。笑 (When wearing glasses, you look a little bit serious. haha) (你戴眼镜看起来很认真。哈哈) (안경을 쓰니 좀 성실하게 보이네 ㅎㅎ) (Nếu đeo kính vào thì trông có vẻ hơi nghiêm túc nhỉ. Haha) (megane kaketara chotto majime sō ni mieru ne. wara)
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