“ninki” vs. “sakan”:Do You Still Think They Means Popular?


“ninki” vs. “sakan”:Do You Still Think They Means Popular?

What is the difference between “人気にんき(ninki) and さかん(sakan)”? Which is only used as the meaning of “prosper”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

人気にんき (ninki)

Popularity / 受欢迎 / 인기 / phổ biến, được ưa chuộng

人気にんき (ninki)” means “Popularity” and which has been used as the meaning of “liked, enjoyed, or supported by many people”. The basic ways to use it are that “___は人気にんきだ。(___ is popular.)”, etc. For instance, “サッカーは人気にんきだ。(Soccer is popular.)”, “このひと人気にんきだ。(This guy is popular.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “人気にんき” is used as “KNOWN OR RECOGNIZED BY MANY PEOPLE”, unlike “さかん”. Everyone could use “人気にんき” as casual, polite and formal such as “サッカーは人気にんきだよ。(Soccer is popular.)” as casual and “サッカーは人気にんきです。(Soccer is popular.)” as polite and formal.

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この映画えいが海外かいがいでも人気にんきだよ。 (This movie is popular abroad, too.) (这部电影在国外也很受欢迎。) (이 영화는 해외에서도 인기 있어.) (Bộ phim này ở nước ngoài cũng được yêu thích đấy.)

このひと日本にほん人気にんきがあるおわら芸人げいにんです。 (This guy is a popular comedian in Japan.) (这个人是在日本很受欢迎的搞笑艺人。) (이 사람은 일본에서 인기있는 개그맨입니다.) (Người này là diễn viên hài được yêu thích ở Nhật.)

このみせ人気にんきがあって予約よやくがとれません。 (This restaurant is very popular that it is difficult to reserve a spot.) (这家商店很受欢迎,很难预约到。) (이 가게는 인기가 많아서 예약을 할 수가 없습니다.) (Của hàng này rất nổi tiếng nên không thể nào đặt chỗ trước.)

日本にほんでは野球やきゅうとサッカーが人気にんきなんだ。 (Baseball and Soccer are popular in Japan.) (棒球和足球在日本很受欢迎。) (일본에서는 야구랑 축구가 인기있구나.) (Bóng chày và bóng đá rất nổi tiếng ở Nhật Bản.)

さかん (sakan)

Active, Prosper, Enthusiastic / 蓬勃发展 / 활발 / phổ biến, được ưa chuộng (có giới hạn khu vực)

さかん (sakan)” means “Prosper, Active, Prosper or Enthusiastic” and which has been used as the meaning of “to be or become successful”. The basic ways to use it are that “___はさかんだ。(___ is popular.)”, etc. For instance, “この高校こうこう部活ぶかつさかんだ。(A high school is enthusiastic about club activities.)”, “このまちでは漁業ぎょぎょうさかんだ。(The fishing industry is flourishing in this town.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “さかん” is used as “SOMEONE ACTIVELY DO SOMETHING IN SPECIFIC AREA.” which might be popular or might not be popular, unlike “人気にんき“. Everyone could use “さかん” as casual, polite and formal such as “この高校こうこう部活ぶかつさかんだよ。(A high school is enthusiastic about club activities.)” as casual and “この高校こうこう部活ぶかつさかんです。(A high school is enthusiastic about club activities.)” as polite and formal. Furthermore, you would be able to say “サッカーはさかんだ。(Soccer is popular.)” such as “サッカーは人気にんきんだ。(Soccer is popular.)”, however, people normally use “サッカーは人気にんきだ。(Soccer is popular.)” because again “さかん” is used as the meaning of “SOMEONE ACTIVELY DO SOMETHING IN SPECIFIC AREA.”, so if you say “サッカーはさかんだ。” sounds “(Soccer is popular (IN SMALL AREA).”. Lastly, “さかん” is not often used in daily conversations than “人気にんき“.


この高校こうこう部活ぶかつさかんだよ。 (A high school is enthusiastic about club activities.) (这所高中的社团活动非常活跃。) (이 고등학교는 동아리 활동이 활발해.) (Các hoạt động ngoại khóa rất sôi nổi ở trường cấp ba này.)

この地域ちいきでは林業りんぎょうさかんですか? (Is forestry major in this area?) (这个地区的林业发达吗?) (이 지역에서는 임업이 활발합니까?) (Lâm nghiệp có phổ biến ở khu vực này không?)

この地域ちいきではサッカーがさかんです。 (Soccer is popular in this area.) (足球在这个地区很流行。) (이 지역에서는 축구가 흥하고 있습니다.) (Bóng đá ở khu vực này rất sôi nổi.)

かあさんは学校がっこう行事ぎょうじさかんに参加さんかしてるんだ。 (My mom actively takes part in school events.) (妈妈很主动地参加学校活动。) (엄마는 학교 행사에 활발히 참여하고 있어.) (Mẹ tôi đang rất tích cực tham gia các sự kiện của trường.)

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