What is the difference せいとう, せいかい and ただしい? You Need


What is the difference 正当せいとう正解せいかい and ただしい? You Need

One of the complicated words is “正当せいとう正解せいかい and ただしい”, however, don’t worry about it. I’d say you’d figure them out after reading this. Let me introduce the meaning of these and how you correctly use them today!

正当せいとう (seitou) / 正当化せいとうか (seitouka)

Reasonable, Legitimate, Justify oneself / 정당 / 合理 / Đúng đắn

正当せいとう / 正当化せいとうか” mean “Reasonable, Legitimate / Justify ” and which has been using as the meaning of “A reason makes sense.” There are a few words which native speakers use in daily conversation that is “正当せいとう理由りゆう(A good reason)” and “正当化せいとうか(to justify oneself)”. For instance, “___をするための正当せいとう理由りゆうがあります。(I have a good reason to ___)” and “かれ自分じぶん正当化せいとうかしています。(He justifies himself.)”.

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正当せいとう理由りゆうがあったら学校休がっこうやすんでいいよ。 (You’ll be able to be absent from school when having a good reason/legitimate reason.) (如果有正当的理由,你可以跟学校请假。) (정당한 이유가 있으면 학교 쉬어도 돼.) (Nếu cậu có lý do chính đáng thì nghỉ học cũng không sao đâu.)

正当化せいとうかするなよ! (Stop justifying yourself!) (不要说理!) (정당화하지마!) (Đừng có biện minh!)

自分じぶん正当化せいとうかしているだけだよ! (You’re trying to justify yourself!) (我只是为自己辩护!) (자신을 정당화하고 있을 뿐이야!) (Tớ chỉ đang biện minh cho bản thân mình mà thôi!)

正解せいかい (seikai)

Right, Correct / 정답 / 正确答案 / Chính xác

正解せいかい” means “Right or Correct” which is quite similar to the word of “ただしい”, however, “正解せいかい” is a noun, unlike “ただしい” is an adjective. For instance, “この回答かいとう正解せいかいです。(This answer is right/correct.)” and “この回答かいとうただしいです。(This answer is right/correct.)”. Both of them is absolutely the same meaning, however, using “正解せいかい” in a little bit formal than using “ただしい”.


正解せいかいだね! (Correct!) (这是正确答案哦!) (정답이네!) (Chính xác rồi nhỉ!)

本当ほんとうはどっちが正解せいかいなの? (Which one is really correct?) (哪个才是正确的啊?) (사실 어느 쪽이 정답이야?) (Thật sự thì cái nào trong hai cái này mới là câu trả lời đúng vậy?)

全問ぜんもん正解せいかいだったよ! (I’ve got all the answers correct!) (全部都是正确答案!) (전부 정답이었어!) (Làm đúng hết tất cả các câu rồi đấy!)

ただしい (tadashii)

Right, Correct / 옳다 / 正确 / Đúng

ただしい” means “Right or Correct” and basically “ただしい” and “正解せいかい” are absolutely the same meaning that I’ve mentioned above. However, the way to use them is different because “ただしい” is the adjective and “正解せいかい” is the noun.


文法的ぶんぽうてきただしい日本語にほんごはなしたい! (I wanna speak Japanese that is grammatically correct.) (我想说语法正确的日语!) (문법적으로 정확한 일본어를 말하고 싶어!) (Tớ muốn nói được tiếng Nhật đúng ngữ pháp!)

その判断はんだんただしかったとおもうよ。 (I think the decision was right.) (我认为这个决定是对的。) (그 판단은 옳았다고 생각해.) (Tớ nghĩ quyết định đó là đúng đấy.)

ただしいぶんなおしてくれませんか? (Could you correct my mistakes?) (能帮我修改成正确的句子吗?) (올바른 문장으로 고쳐주시겠습니까?) (Bạn có thể sửa câu này dùm mình được không?)

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