“shitsurei shima shita” vs. “sumi masen”:What You Need to Know.


shitsurei shima shita” vs. “sumi masen“:What You Need to Know.

What is the difference between “失礼しつれいしました(shitsurei shima shita) and すみません(sumi masen)”? Which are the proper words after making mistakes? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

失礼しつれいしました (shitsurei shima shita) / すみません (sumi masen)

I’m sorry/Sorry / 对不起/抱歉 / 실례했습니다/죄송합니다 / Tôi xin lỗi/Xin lỗi

失礼しつれいしました(shitsurei shima shita) and すみません(sumi masen)” mean the “Sorry and I’m sorry” which is used as the meaning of “a way of apologizing to someone for something that you have done which has upset them or caused them difficulties, or when you bump into them accidentally”. The difference between them is that ordinally “すみません” is used in situations which are not so serious, but you have to apologize. For instance, you messed up someone’s name, you bump into them accidentally, etc. Whereas “失礼しつれいしました” is used for pretty serious situations and it used in business situations, unlike すみません. For instance, you made mistakes, you broke or lose something such as windows, cups, phones, etc. Lastly, you can use “すみません” in business situations, if you are looked serious.

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名前なまえ間違まちがえて失礼しつれいしました (I’m sorry I got your name wrong!) (真对不起把您的名字弄错了。) (이름을 틀려서 죄송합니다.) (Thật xin lỗi vì đã nhầm tên của bạn.) (namae wo machigaete shitsurei shimashita.)

名前なまえ間違まちがえてすみません (Sorry I got your name wrong!) (抱歉把你的名字弄错了。) (이름을 틀려서 미안해요.) (Xin lỗi vì đã nhầm tên của bạn.) (namae wo machigaete sumi masen.)

度々たびたび失礼しつれいします (I’m sorry to bother you again.) (多次这样真对不起。) (번번이 죄송합니다.) (Rât xin lỗi vì lại làm phiền bạn.) (tabitabi shitsurei shimasu.)

度々たびたびすみません (Sorry to bother you again.) (多次这样真是抱歉。) (번번이 미안해요.) (Xin lỗi vì lại làm phiền bạn.) (tabitabi sumi masen.)

おっと、失礼しつれい (Oops, I’m sorry.) (哎呀,抱歉了。) (앗, 미안해!) (Ô, xin lỗi. ) (otto, shitsurei.)

あ、すみません (Oops, sorry.) (啊,对不起。) (아, 죄송합니다.) (Á, xin lỗi ạ.) (a, sumi masen.)

さき失礼しつれいします (I’m done for the day. See you tomorrow.) (我先失陪了。) (먼저 들어가보겠습니다.) (Xin lỗi tôi xin phép về trước.) (osaki ni shitsurei shimasu.)

このへん失礼しつれいします (I have to excuse myself.) (那我就在这告辞了。) (이쯤에서 실례하겠습니다.) (Đến đây thôi, tôi xin phép ạ.) (kono hen de shitsurei shimasu.)

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