Do you want me to ___?:”___shiyō ka?” Japanese Phrase #313
Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does “___しようか?(___shiyō ka)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!
___しようか?(___shiyō ka)
Do you want me to ___? / 要不要__? / ___ 해줄까? / Để tôi… nhé!
When you want to help or do someone something and “I don’t care”, you would be able to use “___しようか?(___shiyō ka)” which means “Do you want me to ___?”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as casual and “___しましょうか?(___shimashō ka)” is used as polite and formal.
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Sample 1

写真撮ろうか? (Do you want me to take a photo?) (要不要拍张照片?) (사진 찍어줄까?) (Để tôi chụp ảnh cho bạn nhé.) (shashin torou ka?)

ありがとう! (Thanks!) (谢谢!) (고마워!) (Cảm ơn bạn!) (arigatō!)
Sample 2

手伝おうか? (Do you want me to help you?) (要不要我帮忙呢?) (도와 줄까?) (Để tôi giúp bạn nhé?) (tetsudaou ka?)

ありがとう! (Thanks!) (谢谢!) (고마워!) (Cảm ơn bạn!) (arigatō!)
Sample 3

水買おうか? (You want me to buy water?) (¿Quieres que compre agua?) (mizu kaou ka?)

うん! (Yes!) (¡Sí!) (un!)
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