テンパる vs. ショック: The Easiest Way to Understand
I’d say we sometimes are freaking out or are shocked in our life and tell our friends or teachers about why we were freaking out or shocked in daily conversations. By the way, could you correctly use “テンパる” and” ショック”? These are quite used by native speakers, so after mastering the way to use them, why don’t you use “テンパる” and “ショック”? Let me introduce how to correctly use “テンパる” and “ショック” today!
テンパる (tenparu)
Freak out / Panic
“テンパる” means “someone freaks out” or “Panic”. “テンパる” is one of the verbs and slang. And the way to use is “テンパります, テンパる, テンパらない, テンパった, テンパらなかった”. The basic way to use it is “___はテンパる。(___ is freaking out.)” such as “私はテンパる。(I’m freaking out.)”. When freaking out, you would use it. “テンパる” is similar to “焦る” and they are used as the same meaning. Although “テンパる” is pretty casual than “焦る”, adults could use “テンパる” to their friends or someone who they get along with. However, you might want to use “焦る” in official situations.
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テンパったー。 (I was freaking out.) (真是急坏我了。) (너무 당황했어. ) (Bồn chồn quá.)

昨日いきなり道かれて、ちょっとテンパったよ。 (I was suddenly asked for directions yesterday, and I was pretty freaking out.) (昨天突然被问路,有点慌了。) (어제 갑자기 길을 물어봐서, 조금 당황했어. ) (Hôm qua tự nhiên bị lạc đường làm tớ hơi hoảng tí.)

テンパりすぎだよ、落ち着いて! (You’re so freaking out and calm down!) (你太慌张了,冷静下来!) (너무 허둥댄다, 진정해!) (Cậu hơi cuống quá rồi, cứ bình tĩnh đi!)
ショック (shokku)
ショック means “Shock” which pronunciation is quite similar to “shock” in English. The basic way to use it is “___はショックです。(___ is shocked.)” such as “私はショックです。(I’m shocked.)”. The tips for using it are to add a reason why you are shocked. So, you would be able to say “____なのでショックです。(I am shocked because ___)”. Lastly, after bad things happened, you would use “ショック” such as failed an exam, broke up with girlfriend/boyfriend, etc.

ショックだったわー。 (I was shocked!) (好受打击啊。) (정말 충격이었어…) (Sốc quá đi.)

最近新しく買った携帯無くして、ちょーショックなんだけどっ。 (I was really shocked to lose my new phone I recently bought.) (最近新买的电话丢了,有点受打击啊。) (얼마 전에 새로 산 핸드폰을 잃어버려서 너무 충격적이야. ) (Tớ làm mất cái di động mới mua gần đây, hơi bị sốc. )

好きな女の子に彼氏がいて、ショックだわー。 (I was shocked that a girl I’m in love with has a boyfriend.) (我喜欢的女孩有男朋友了,我很受打击。) (좋아하는 여자애한테 남자친구가 있어서, 너무 충격이야. ) (Cô gái tớ thích đã có bạn trai rồi, thật là sốc quá đi. )
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