続々 vs. 次々: Subtle Differences in Word Choice
What is the difference between “続々(zokuzoku)” and “次々(tsugitsugi)“? They have subtle differences. Which one are many things or people? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!
続々 (zokuzoku) / 次々 (tsugitsugi)
Continuously, One after another / 纷纷, 不断 / 속속, 계속 / Liên tiếp, Lần lượt
“続々 / 次々” mean “Continuously or One after another” and which has been used as the meaning of “actions are done or things happen with very little time between them”. Ordinally, “続々” and “次々” the same meaning. They have the subtle differences that an image of “続々” is “There is no end” and “Continuously and One after another”, whereas an image of “次々” is just “Continuously and One after another”. So, using “続々” indicates much more things or people than using “次々“. The basic way to use to them is “続々に/と___(things/people)が___(verb)する” and “次々に/と___(things/people)が___(verb)する”. Native speakers often omit “と/に”, so “続々___が___(verb)する” and “次々___が___する” which sound Japanese-ish. Furthermore, when native speakers use “続々” in the sentence, they got pretty surprised at something than using “次々“.
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次々人が来たね。 (They came in one after another.) (人们纷纷前来。) (계속 사람이 오네.) (Hết người này đến người kia tới nhỉ.)

次々飛行機が到着したよ。 (The planes arrived one after another.) (航班纷纷抵达。) (차례로 비행기가 도착했어.) (Máy bay thay nhau hạ cánh.)

劇場から次々と人が出てきたね。 (A stream of people came out of the theater) (人们纷纷从剧场里走出来。) (극장에서 계속해서 사람들이 나왔어.) (Mọi người lần lượt rời khỏi nhà hát nhỉ.)

注文が次々きたね。 (Orders poured in. It’s so busy!) (订单接踵而来。) (주문이 계속 왔네.) (Đơn đặt hàng nối tiếp nhau tới nhỉ.)

人が続々来たね!何かの試合があったのかな? (They came in one after another. I wonder if there are any sports games?) (人潮不断!是有什么比赛要举行吗?) (사람들이 계속 오네! 어떤 경기가 있었나?) (Mọi người ầm ầm kéo đến kìa! Chắc có trận thi đấu gì đó nhỉ?)

続々飛行機が到着したよ!ショーかなんか? (The planes arrived one after another. Was that a show or something?) (航班陆续抵达。是有什么表演吗?) (계속해서 비행기가 도착했어! 무슨 행사인가?) (Máy bay liên tục hạ cánh kìa, chắc là có chương trình gì đó?)

劇場から続々と人が出てきたよ!コンサート終わりかな? (A stream of people came out of the theater. I wonder if that is the end of the concert?) (人们陆续从剧场里走出来。演唱会结束了吗?) (극장에서 계속해서 사람들이 나왔어! 콘서트가 끝났나?) (Người ta nối đuôi nhau ra khỏi nhà hát kìa! Chắc là vừa kết thúc buổi hòa nhạc nhỉ?)

注文が続々きたよー。超忙しい! (Orders poured in. It’s sobusy!) (订单不断增加。超级忙的。) (주문이 잇달아 왔어. 엄청 바빠!) (Đơn đặt hàng đến liên tục! Thật bận rộn quá!)
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