“gimi” vs. “gachi”:Is it True That These Are The Same?
What is the difference between “気味(gimi)” and “がち(gachi)”? They have subtle differences. Are you “疲れ気味” or “疲れがち”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!
気味 (gimi)
Kind of, Lately / 感觉 / 기미 / Cảm giác
“気味(gimi)” means “Kind of or Lately of” and which has been used as the meaning of “when you are trying to explain or describe something, but you cannot be exact”. The basic way to use it is “___(noun)気味” or “___(verb)気味” such as “風邪気味(being kind of sick.)”, “サボり気味(be slacking off lately)” etc. Furthermore, using “気味“, the state could be either temporary or pretty continuous and is used “shorter term than “がち”. Lastly, the sentence would be used as the meaning of a little bit “bad” in using “気味“.
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風邪気味なの! (I’m kind of sick!) (我好像有点感冒!) (감기 기운이 있어!) (Hình như tớ bị cảm rồi!) (kaze gimi nano!)

お腹すき気味だよ。 (I’m kinda hungry.) (我好像有点感冒!) (감기 기운이 있어!) (Hình như tớ bị cảm rồi!) (onaka suki gimi dayo.)

太り気味かも? (I might be sort of chubby.) (可能有点发胖了?) (살찐 느낌인 듯?) (Hình như tớ đang mập lên hay sao ấy?) (futori gimi kamo?)

最近日本語の授業サボり気味かも? (I think I’ve been lately slacking off in Japanese classes.) (最近日语课可能翘得有点多?) (최근 일본어 수업을 땡땡이 친 기분이야.) (Hình như dạo này cậu hay trốn tiết học tiếng Nhật phải không?) (saikin nihongo no jugyō sabori gimi kamo?)
がち (gachi)
Tend to/ 容易 / 경향 / Khuynh hướng
“がち(gachi)” means “tend to” and which has been used as the meaning of “something will happen often and will be likely to happen again”. The basic way to use it is “___(noun)がち” or “___(verb)がち” such as “忘れ物しがち(tend to forget something)”, etc. Furthermore, using “がち”, the state could be used “longer term than “気味“. Lastly, the sentence would be used as the meaning of a little bit “bad” in using “がち” as well as “気味“.

最近忘れ物しがちだよー。 (I tend to forget something these days.) (最近我很容易忘记东西。) (최근 물건을 잘 잃어버려.) (Dạo này tớ rất hay để quên đồ.) (saikin wasure mono shigachi dayo-.)

簡単に流行に流されがちで・・・笑 (I easily tend to be moved by trends···lol) (往往容易受流行影响···哈哈) (쉽게 유행에 휩쓸려서… 하하) (Tớ rất dễ bị cuốn theo trào lưu nhá… (cười)) (kantan ni ryūkō ni nagasare gachi de· ·· wara)

最近、お菓子食べてしまいがちで・・・草 (I tend to eat snacks these days. hehe) (我最近经常在吃零食···哈哈) (최근에 과자를 자꾸 먹게 돼… 하하 ) (Dạo này tớ có xu hướng cuồng ăn đồ ngọt … (cười)) (saikin, okashi tabete shimai gachi de ··· kusa)

家に帰ったら、テレビを見がちなんだ。笑 (I tend to watch TV after getting home.) (回到家的话,我往往会看电视。笑) (집에 가면, TV만 보게 돼. 하하) (Cứ về nhà là tớ sẽ xem TV (cười).) (ie ni kaettara, terebi wo mi gachi nanda. wara)
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