“tsuku” vs. “tōchaku suru”:You Won’t Get Confused These to Use
What is the difference between “着く(tsuku) and 到着する(tōchaku suru)”? They have subtle differences. Which one do you have to use “着く or 到着する” after getting home?” After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!
着く (tsuku) / 到着する (tōchaku suru)
Arrive / 到达, 抵达 / 닿다, 도착하다 / đến, đến nơi
“着く(tsuku) and 到着する(tōchaku suru)” mean “Arrive” and which has been used as the meaning of “to reach a destination”. The difference between “着く” and “到着する” is that “着く” is casual than “到着する” in daily conversations. Among your family and friends, you might want to use “着く” and in public or in business situations, you might want to use “到着する”, although “到着する” is not that formal. The basic way to use them is “___(place)に着く” and “___に(place)到着する”. Further, “到着する” is a verb and “到着” is a noun which means “arrival” such as “到着ロビー(arrival lobby)”, “到着ゲート(arrival exit)”, etc.
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着いたよー! (We’re here!) (我到了哦!) (도착했어!) (Tớ đến rồi!) (tsuita yo-!)

後どれくらいで着くー? (How long until we’re there?) (还有多久会到达?) (앞으로 얼마 뒤면 도착해?) (Còn bao lâu nữa cậu mới đến?) (ato dorekurai de tsuku-?)

あと30分で駅に着くよ。 (I’ll get to the station in 30 minutes.) (再过30分钟就要抵达车站。) (30분 후 쯤 역에 도착해.) (30 phút nữa tớ sẽ đến ga.) (ato san juppun de eki ni tsuku yo.)

もう着いたの? (Have you already arrived?) (已经到了吗?) (벌써 도착했어?) (Cậu đến rồi hả?) (mō tsuita no?)

タクシーが到着したみたいだよ。 (Apparently, the taxi has arrived.) (出租车好像到了。) (택시가 도착한 것 같아.) (Hình như taxi đến rồi đấy.) (takushī gatōchaku shita mitai dayo.)

待ち合わせ場所に到着しました。 (I arrived to the meeting place.) (我到了集合的地方。) (약속 장소에 도착했습니다 ) (Tôi đã đến chỗ hẹn rồi.) (machiawase basho nitōchaku shimashita.)

後10分で到着します! (We’ll arrive in ten minutes.) (再10分钟内到达!) (10분 후에 도착합니다!) (10 phút nữa tôi sẽ đến nơi!) (ato juppun detōchaku shimasu!)

20時前にはそっちに到着するよ。 (I will be there before 8pm.) (晚上八点前会到那里。) (20시 전에는 그쪽에 도착해.) (Tớ sẽ đến đó trước 20 giờ.) (nijuppun mae niwa sotchini tōchaku suru yo.)
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