JPYokoso– Author –
2 Quick Tips About いただきます and ごちそうさま
【2 Quick Tips About いただきます and ごちそうさま】 Before people eat foods, they would say something thankful words or what someone feels about foods such as “It looks delicious.” for someone who cooks for us. Basically, natives would ... -
6 Best Ways to Apologize For Beginners
【6 Best Ways to Apologize For Beginners】 As you know, there are a bunch of the ways to apologize in English to someone when making mistakes as well as the ways to apologize Japanese ranging from light to deep. such as すまん / 悪ござい... -
No More Mistakes About Using Both 怖い(kowai) and 恐い(kowai)
【い】 There’s afraid, scared, frightened and terrified in English can be translated to 怖い in Japanese. However, what is the difference between them? Both you can read こわい. I’d say you have been using the word of こわい so far.... -
The Best Advice The Way To Use こっそり, こそこそ and ひっそり
【The Best Advice The Way To Use こっそり, こそこそ and ひっそり】 It seems some people are confused about the way to use こっそり, こそこそ and ひっそり. However, natives quite often use these words, so let's master the way to use こっ... -
Ways To Use “tsui sakki”, “saikin” and “kono goro”, “konnichi” and “sakkon”, “kono aida” and “senjitsu” Like Natives
【Ways To Use "tsui sakki", "saikin" and "konogoro", "konnichi" and "sakkon", "konoaida" and "senjitsu" Like Natives】 When we talk about lifestyle as daily conversations with our family, friends, boss and so on, we usually explain ... -
The Easiest Way To Use くすぐったい and かゆい
【The easiest way to use くすぐったい and かゆい】 I'd say くすぐったい and かゆい are a little bit confusing, however, their nuance is different from each other and the rule of using these words is not so difficult to use, so let's try ... -
“kejime” vs. “merihari”:What Are Wrong Ways to Use Them?
【:What Are Wrong Ways to Use Them?】 I’d say when people make mistakes, they have to take responsibility. However, what do you usually say about “take responsibility” in Japanese? This time, let me introduce how to naturally use "けじ... -
ケチ vs. せこい vs. せつやく: Which Is Really Better?
【 : Which Is Really Better?】 The meaning of ケチ,せこい and 節約 properly. ケチ (kechi) Stingy / Cheap / Cheapskate ケチ can be used as the meaning of a person who is stingy, cheap. a cheapskate and so on. When it comes to money, he/sh... -
How to Simply Use “Worry about ____” in Japanese for Beginners
【How to Use Simply "Worry about ____" in Japanese for Beginners】 When watching Japanese movies, animes and etc, have you heard of “くよくよ(kuyokuyo)”? There are a bunch of situations used くよくよ, however, what does it mean? Act... -
Simple Rule To Use “taikutsu” and “tsumaranai”
【Simple Rule To Use "taikutsu" and "tsumaranai"】 It is common sense to use 退屈 and つまらない are. 退屈 (taikutsu) I’m bored because I have nothing to do. / Leisure 退屈(bored). \ Learn Japanese with a personal native ...