How To Correctly Write Your Name In Japanese
【】 In Japanese, foreign names are normally written in the phonetic katakana alphabet. So, you might want to remember the katakana alphabet first of all to write your name. However, once you have remembered the katakana alphabet, you co... -
What is The Difference Between “simekiri” and “kigen”?
【What is The Difference Between "simekiri" and "kigen"?】 "締 could be clear and understandable to you. Let me introduce how you clearly figure it out today! 締り (simekiri) Deadline "締 does not have these ones. \ Learn Japa... -
Full Guide: Difference Between 警戒, 注意報 and 警報
【】 What is the difference between 警戒 is today! [wp-svg-icons icon="checkmark-circle" wrap="i"]警戒(keikai) [wp-svg-icons icon="arrow-right-2" wrap="span"] Cautious / Vigilant / Alert 警戒 is used among all generations. [kanren postid... -
Commonly Confused Words: 閉まる and 閉める
Commonly Confused Words: 閉める I'd say when you study Japanese, there are a lot of confusing words. Let me introduce one of the commonly confused words which are 閉める from today! [wp-svg-icons icon="checkmark-circle" wrap="i"] 閉まる(... -
支払う vs 5 means of 払う: What’s the difference?
【う: What's the difference?】 What is the difference between "支払う" are today! [wp-svg-icons icon="checkmark-circle" wrap="i"] 支払い(siharai) [noun] [wp-svg-icons icon="arrow-right-2" wrap="span"] Pay money / Check or Payment The mos... -
Natives Speakers Avoid Using “shinu” Instead of “nakunaru”
【"】 If you express “___ die”, you might use “___が死くなる” means today! 死ぬ (sinu) Die “死ぬ(sinu)” means “die” and the verb, however using “die” is a straight expression as well as English. Talking to your close friends e.g “___ die... -
Can You Explain What “しっくりくる” Means?
【Can you explain what "しっくりくる" means?】 Could you explain what "しっくりくる" means? "しっくりくる" is one of the vague Japanese words which native speakers are likely to use in the daily conversations. So you might have heard abo... -
“hakkiri” vs. “shikkari”:A Simple Guide To Telling The Difference
【":A Simple Guide To Telling The Difference】 Apparently, people studying Japanese got pretty complicated how to use "はっきり(hakkiri) and しっかり(shikkari)" which sound quite similar. However, are they really the same meaning? ... -
22 Simple Ways to Use Quiet (静か) in Japanese
【か) in Japanese】 "Quite (静か with 22 ways to improve and enhance your vocabulary and skill in dairy conversation such as native speakers today! [wp-svg-icons icon="checkmark-circle" wrap="i"] 静か(sizuka) [wp-svg-icons icon="arrow-ri... -
Top 12 Examples to Use About Instructions in Japanese
【 Top 12 Examples to Use About Instructions in Japanese】 "指示" means with 12 Examples today! [wp-svg-icons icon="checkmark-circle" wrap="i"] 指示(siji) [wp-svg-icons icon="arrow-right-2" wrap="span"] Order / Instruction "指示される". ...