頼み and 頼り: They Are Absolutely Different
【り: They Are Absolutely Different】 Apparently, 頼り are the same meaning because they are the same "Kanji", however, the meaning of these is absolutely different. Let me introduce the difference between them and how to correctly use t... -
16 Examples of “食べる”(To eat): You’d Be Using
【べる"(To eat): You'd Be Using】 I'd say "食べる" with 16 examples today! [wp-svg-icons icon="checkmark-circle" wrap="i"] 食べる [wp-svg-icons icon="arrow-right-2" wrap="span"] Eat "食べなかった". Example [voice icon="http://jpyokoso.co... -
Are You Sure That “ryokou” Sounds the Same As “tabi”?
【】 First of all, 旅行(tabi), however, they have a slight difference in nuance from each other. Let me introduce the difference in nuance between these and the way to correctly use them today! 旅行 (tabi) Trip, Journey / 旅行, 旅游 / 여... -
忙しい vs. 多忙: Which Is Much Busier? You’d Be Using
【: Which Is Much Busier? You'd Be Using】 The meaning of both 忙" today! [wp-svg-icons icon="checkmark-circle" wrap="i"] 忙(tabou) [wp-svg-icons icon="arrow-right-2" wrap="span"] Busy / 忙碌/繁忙 / 바쁘다/다망 / Bận/bận rộn "忙しい". Ex... -
How to Tell the Difference Between うれしい and たのしい
【How to Tell the Difference Between うれしい and たのしい】 Some Japanese learners seem to get confused about using “嬉しい” today! 嬉しい (ureshii) Happy/Glad / 开心 / 기쁘다 / Vui mừng “嬉しい” is “To have fun”. \ Learn Japanese lang... -
Do You Really Feel 楽しむ and 楽しみ Are the Same?
【しみ Are the Same?】 These words "楽しみ" today! [wp-svg-icons icon="checkmark-circle" wrap="i"] 楽しい(tanoshii) [wp-svg-icons icon="arrow-right-2" wrap="span"] Enjoy/Have fun / 快乐 / 즐겁다 재미 / Vui "楽しみます" are the verbs. [ka... -
Ready for Fluency? What’s the meaning of キャラが立つ?
【つ?】 "キャラが立つ" and how to correctly use it today! [wp-svg-icons icon="checkmark-circle" wrap="i"] キャラが立つ(kyara-ga-tatsu) [wp-svg-icons icon="arrow-right-2" wrap="span"] Someone's character stands out in a crowd. / 角色性格... -
By Using たっぷり, It Sounds Native Japanese Speakers
【By Using たっぷり, It Sounds Native Japanese Speakers】 I'd say using "たっぷり" sounds native Japanese speakers. Why don't you use たっぷり from today? You'd be able to use "たっぷり" after reading this. Let me introduce the way to co... -
Here’s the Perfect Ways to Figure Out: 達成 and 成果
【】 The meaning of these words "達成 today! [wp-svg-icons icon="checkmark-circle" wrap="i"] 達成(tassei) [wp-svg-icons icon="arrow-right-2" wrap="span"] Accomplishment / 成就 / 달성 / Đạt được "達成(feeling/sense of accomplishment)", et... -
嘘 and 建前 are Totally Different from Each Other
【 are Totally Different from Each Other】 What is the difference between 嘘 today! [wp-svg-icons icon="checkmark-circle" wrap="i"] 嘘(uso) [wp-svg-icons icon="arrow-right-2" wrap="span"] Lie/False / 谎言 / 거짓말 / Nói dối "嘘", etc. [k...