How to say “It is not fair” in Japanese


How to say “It is not fair” in Japanese

I’d say there are some unfair situations in the world and do you know how to say “It is not fair” in Japanese? When you figure out the way to use it, your Japanese skill would improve and would be able to use it in daily conversations as well. Let me introduce how you correctly use “Not fair” in Japanese today!

ずるい (zurui)

Not fair

ずるい(zurui) means “It isn’t fair.” which is used as the meaning of “not treating people in an equal way, or not morally right”. The way to use it is “___はずるい。(It’s not fair that ____.) “, etc. For instance, “なにこたえないのはずるい。(It’s not fair that you haven’t said anything at all.)”, “ずるい。(It’s not fair.)”, etc. Everyone could use ずるい as casual, polite and formal in daily conversations such as “なにこたえないなんてずるいよ。(It’s not fair that you haven’t said anything at all.)” as casual, “なにこたえないのはずるいですよ。(It’s not fair that you haven’t said anything at all.)” as polite and formal. Furthermore, “ずるがしこい” means “cunning” and cunning people are clever at planning something so that they get what they want, especially by tricking other people.

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ずるいよ! (It’s not fair!) (滑头!) (치사해!) (Thế không công bằng đâu!)

なにこたえないなんてずるいよ。 (It’s not fair that you haven’t said anything at all.) (什么都不回答真是太狡猾了。) (아무 말도 해주지 않다니 치사해!) (Cậu không chịu trả lời gì hết chả công bằng gì cả.)

それはずるいよ。ただしいやりかたじゃないよ。 (That’s not fair. It’s not the right way.) (那样很狡诈,不是正当的做法。) (그건 비겁해. 옳은 방법이 아니야.) (Như vậy thật không công bằng. Đó không phải cách làm đúng đâu.)

そのカードたらダメだよ!ずるいよ! (You can’t look at that card! That’s not fair!) (你不能看那张卡!太狡诈了。) (그 카드는 보면 안돼지! 약았어!) (Cậu không được nhìn tấm thẻ đó! Thế là ăn gian!)

ずるがしこ友達ともだちがさー、うちの財布さいふかくして「なくなった!」ってうそついたの。 (My cunning friend hid my wallet, and lied that it was gone.) (有一個狡猾的朋友,把我的錢包藏起來,然后騙我說”弄丢了 。) (교활한 친구녀석이 말야, 우리 지갑을 숨겨놓고는 “없어졌다!”라는 거짓말을 했어.) (Tớ có người bạn tinh quái kiểu giấu ví của tớ rồi kêu lên ”Ví mất rồi!”)

おとうとだけにおかねわたすなんてずるいわー。 (It’s not fair to give money to only my brother.) (就只給弟弟钱,太不象话了。) (동생한테만 돈을 주다니 치사하다~.) (Chỉ đưa tiền cho một mình em trai thì thật không công bằng.)

えっ?ずるくない? (What? It’s not fair, is it?) (什么?这难道不狡猾吗?) (뭐? 좀 치사한거 아냐?) (Hả? Xấu tính vậy?)

ずるがしこいことはやめなよ。 (Don’t think such a sly thing.) (耍小聪明的事情还是算了吧。) (약아빠진 짓은 그만해.) (Đừng có khôn lỏi nữa.)

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